Coronavirus – an automatic assistant
“Coronavirus – an automatic assistant” created on behalf of the National Health Fund and the Ministry of Digitization
During the pandemic outbreak the team at Yosh.AI worked around the clock, including weekends, to implement multi-channel solutions as soon as possible. Voice and Text Virtual Assistant for the Ministry of Digitization and the National Health Fund, which was created in less than two weeks, supports the fight against coronavirus – “Coronavirus info – automatic assistant”. The AI chatbot under the name “Koronavirus info – automatic assistant” addresses the most frequently asked questions about coronavirus, indicates the location of the nearest hospital with an infectious ward and station Sanepid (sanitary inspection), and shows the latest news available on the portal The Virtual Assistant “Koronavirus Information” was commissioned by the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the National Health Fund. The voice assistant available on the NFZ Hotline was launched on 19 March 2020 and work is currently underway on the implementation on other communication channels, including Facebook Messenger, Google Assistant, as well as on selected pages on